Like many of their Tin Pan Alley colleagues, the Gershwins were the children of Eastern European Jewish immigrants. Ira, on the other hand, took on George's often very complicated and inventive music with, in the words of Encyclopedia of the Musical Theater author Stanley Green, "agile wit, originality of phrase, and rhyming ingenuity." They were unlikely collaborators-George had seemingly unstoppable kinetic energy, whereas Ira, according to composer Arthur Schwartz, as quoted in Fascinating Rhythm, was "a hard man to get out of an easy chair." George had the chutzpah to take on the world of popular and concert music with little concern about his lack of formal training. And more often than not he would know the tune I meant." Together they created some of the most popular songs of the 1920s and '30s, songs that would hold a central place in pop music's library throughout the century. George Gershwin (born Jacob Gershvin, September 26, 1898, in Brooklyn, NY died of a brain tumor, July 11, 1937, in Beverly Hills, CA Education: Studied music with Charles Hambitzer, Edward Kileny, Rubin Goldmark, Wallingford Riegger, Henry Cowell, and Joseph Schillinger), composer, pianist Ira Gershwin (born Israel Gershvin, December 6, 1896, in New York City died August 15, 1983, in Beverly Hills, CA married Leonore Strunsky, SeptemEducation: Attended City College of New York), lyricist sons of Morris (a businessman) and Rose Bruskin Gershwin.īrothers George and Ira Gershwin enjoyed a working relationship that Larry Kart of the Chicago Tribune likened to "mental telepathy." "When George had many tunes on tap for me" Kart quoted Ira as having said, "and I couldn't recall exactly the start of a particular one I wanted to discuss, I would visualize the vocal line and my forefinger would draw an approximation of its curves in the air.
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